Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Road Blocks

It never fails. Every time I seem to get things on track--training, diet, work--the universe decides things are too orderly, I'm making too much progress, it must step in and derail me.

Actually, this time it was completely my own fault. Things had been going great. I'd been following a healthy, whole-foods diet. I'd been sticking to my new training plan. I had energy! I was productive! I was knocking things off the to-do with grace and stellar efficiency.

In fact, I was feeling so good, that I was dancing around while folding the laundry last Thursday evening. And, silly me, I'd left one of the laundry baskets in the middle of the room. As I was moon-walking backwards across the room while folding a towel, the inevitable happened. I tripped backwards over the basket, falling hard and knocking my head on the floor.

My first thought was: I'm such an IDIOT! My second thought, this is bad. Bad. Very bad. I was certain I was going to die from a brain hemorrhage. Caused by my poor moon walking. While folding a towel.

I did manage to crawl off the floor, grab an ice pack and slump into my lazy boy. There was no way I was getting in my workout after that. Friday, I was just thankful I woke up and didn't die in my sleep.

By Friday evening it was starting to set in: whip-lash. I had whip-lash last year, after a bad mountain biking accident. I could not believe how debilitating it was! I could hardly drive, move my head from side to side, in fact, I could barely lift my head. When I tried getting out of bed in the morning, I couldn't sit up, I had to roll over, slide onto the floor and shimmy onto my knees. It was agonizing and great fodder for an embarrassing youtube video.

4-5 Days of self-induced rest for me. Whip-lash is no fun and I don't want to make things worse. Better to rest and heal up than try to soldier on and create a bigger problem.

Ah, almost forgot. It's Valentine's Day! No special plans for us. I'll probably make something heart-shaped for the kiddos for dinner and write them little love-notes to stash under their pillows. Last but not least, there are some chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge for the adults to enjoy tonight.

Happy Valentine's Day

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