Thursday, October 2, 2008

Is she really only 2?

Last weekend Chad and I took Sage on a hike at the State Park. As we were getting ready to hike, Sage threw one of her terrible-two tantrums. She got down on the ground, cried, and screamed that she didn't want to go on a hike. 

Following the advice of Dr. Kevin Leman, we walked away. As was expected, she screamed and cried and eventually ran after us. 

But what was unexpected was what I barely noticed her whimper as she ran for me. "But we're family!" 

I didn't think about it too much until tonight. Something was on Sage's mind and she wanted to talk to me about it. Here is the transcript of the conversation.

Sage: Remember that time you and daddy walked away and I was crying?

Me: When was this, at school?

Sage: No. At the State Park.

Me: Yes, I remember.

Sage: You shouldn't have left me alone. We're a family and we should be together. You shouldn't do that to me.

Me (surprised by her mature line of reasoning): Honey, we weren't going to leave you. You were screaming that you didn't want to hike with us.

Sage: But I wanted to hike with you. We're a family, I wanted to be with you. 

Me: We want you to be with us. Next time don't scream and we can all hike together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sage is a very intuitive, smart little girl. You've obviously done a lot right.