Monday, May 21, 2012

At this crucial juncture

Just 3.5 weeks away from LJ100.

The last few weeks I've been silently struggling. Trying to balance family time, training, work, and managing the household has proven overwhelming.

I haven't been motivated to train.
My diet has gone off the deep end.

And the worse part is, I just don't care.

Experience tells me that this is a sure sign I've taken on too much. I've known for a long time that I am not Super-Mom. Nor am I Super-Woman or Super-Mountain Biker Chic—I'm especially not all three at one time. There are limitations to what I can do before self-combustion. Right now, the dial is in the red and I'm fast approaching incineration.

All this was leading up to a tough decision. While my LJ100 colleagues are ramping up their training to over the next 2 weeks, I will be taking a vacation from the bike.

A weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can breathe again! Until this morning, I was dreading this week. I have doctor's appointments for both of the kids, a vision appointment (I HATE getting my eyes dilated, it screws up my whole day), and I need to get the Camper packed for the holiday weekend—just to mention a few items. The to-do list is monstrous. Now that I've been able to axe 15 hours on the bike, the days suddenly seem manageable.

I'm willing to sacrifice some time at the LJ100 in order to get my life back on track. My general health and my family are more important to me than a number on the clock.

So, for the time being my "training" will focus on adequate rest and eating nutritionally.

>>>Also, stay tuned because the super-fast and LJ100 veteran Danielle Musto will be doign a Q & A on the race and last minute training. I thought I would have a whole bunch of questions to ask her, but my mind is drawing a blank. If there's anything you want to know about LJ100 or endurance racing, post it on the comments section or email me. Thanks!

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